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Formation: March 3, 1966, an organizational meeting of Maintenance Superintendents was held at the Sacramento Inn in Sacramento, California, at 12:00 noon with the following persons in attendance:

Vic Schirle, local representative of The Gilsonite Company, acted as master of ceremonies and introduced Jim Brusnaham, President of the Los Angeles Street Superintendents and Maintenance Association and Bill Muck, President of the Maintenance Superintendents Association of Northern California, who each described their respective organizations make-up and activities.


Vic Schirle then, because he represented a vendor, turned the meeting over to John Mehren, Sacramento County Superintendent, the meeting being held in Sacramento County.


Those present then determined that an organization should be formed in the Sacramento area and that for purposes of organization the officers should consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.


Nominations were made and officers elected by unanimous voted as follows:


President – John Mehren, County of Sacramento
Vice-President – Kent Link, City of Sacramento
Secretary – Robert Webber, City of Auburn
Treasurer – Lloyd Roberts, County of Yolo


It was then decided that the elected officers should hold a meeting and work up some proposed rules, by-laws, and meeting schedules and present them at the next regular meeting which would be held the following month. It was decided for the time being that the group should be known as the Sacramento Area Maintenance Superintendents Association and that meetings would be held at noon on the second Thursday of each month at a different city in the area.


April 7, 1966: The group met again to discuss details of the organization. The proposed by-laws were discussed at great length, the major change being a revision of the original name of Sacramento Area Maintenance Superintendents Association to North Central Valley Maintenance Superintendents Association. Dues were established at $12.00 for regular and associate members and $25.00 for sustaining members. A nominating committee was appointed by the President to nominate candidates for a board of directors by the next meeting.


May 10, 1966: The new association met again to finalize organization for the group. The by-laws were voted on and approved. A board of directors was elected as follows:


Regular member – H. J. Wood, City of Vacaville
Regular member – Russell Anderson, City of Placerville
Regular member – Ed Janke, City of Lodi
Associate member – Bob Price, Pacific Gas & Electric
Sustaining member – Vic Schirle, Gilsonite Company


A discussion on rejoining the State organization was held but since its actual status was unknown at that time, no further action was taken at this meeting.


September 22/23, 1966: Chapter officer met with officers from other chapters in Morro Bay to discuss forming a State organization.


November 4, 1966: Officers from the three existing chapters met again to organize and establish the State organization. North Central Valley Chapter officers John Mehren, County of Sacramento, Kent Link, City of Sacramento, and Lloyd Roberts, County of Yolo; elected as State Board members with term to begin on January 1, 1967. Kent Link was elected Vice-President of the State Board.


Membership accepted from the area included the Counties of:
Alpine, Amador, Butte, Calaveras, Colusa, Dl Dorado, Glenn, Lassen, Modoc, Nevada, Placer, Plumas, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Shasta, Sierra, Sutter, Tehama, Tuolumne, Yuba, and Yolo.

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